📌 Help Birds with Molting and Migration

It's that time of year again. We may see some of our backyard birds looking a little worse for wear. The good news is, it's nothing to worry about. All birds molt at least once per year - shed their old feathers and grow new ones. This is vital to keep birds in top flight condition, whether they are planning to fly south soon or are preparing to survive winter conditions. These strong new feathers are crucial for efficient flight and for enhancing a bird’s ability to stay warm and dry.

For molting birds, growing an entire body of new feathers is intense. During this four to eight week process, the need for protein, the main component of feathers, is through the roof. As is the need for enough energy to drive the entire process.


                                                                                     Eastern Bluebird                                                                                                                   

Feathers are made of the protein keratin, much like our own hair and fingernails. A significant amount of energy goes into growing healthy feathers so birds molt in between other high-energy seasons like nesting or migration. Providing a nutrient-rich food source is helpful for molting birds. This includes high-protein foods like mealworms, peanuts and sunflower seeds and high-fat foods like suet and Bark Butter®.

➡️ Providing shelter is always helpful for birds and can be especially helpful for molting birds. Missing feathers can make flying and insulation from weather difficult, but bushes and brush piles provide excellent protection from predators and the elements. ❤️